




-- 例:'created_at'列の年を抽出
SELECT strftime('%Y', created_at) AS year
FROM your_table;



-- 例:'created_at'列の年を2023年に更新
UPDATE your_table
SET created_at = strftime('%Y-01-01', strftime('%Y', created_at) || '-01-01')

この例では、created_at列の年を2023年に更新しています。strftime関数を使用して、抽出された年を文字列 "2023-01-01" に変換し、created_at列に設定しています。


  • 上記の例では、created_at列を例として使用しています。更新対象の列名を変更する必要があります。
  • UPDATE文を実行する前に、必ずバックアップを取っておいてください。
  • より複雑な更新処理の場合は、CASE式やサブクエリを使用することもできます。


    • substr()関数とreplace()関数を使用して、文字列操作で年を更新する
    • カスタムSQL関数を作成して、年を更新する

    -- Create a table named 'customers' with a column named 'created_at' of type 'TEXT'
    CREATE TABLE customers (
      name TEXT NOT NULL,
      email TEXT NOT NULL,
      created_at TEXT NOT NULL
    -- Insert some sample data into the table
    INSERT INTO customers (name, email, created_at)
      ('John Doe', '[email protected]', '2022-01-01'),
      ('Jane Doe', '[email protected]', '2023-02-02'),
      ('Peter Jones', '[email protected]', '2024-03-03');
    -- Update the year in the 'created_at' column to 2023 for all customers
    UPDATE customers
    SET created_at = strftime('%Y-01-01', strftime('%Y', created_at) || '-01-01');
    -- Select the updated data
    SELECT * FROM customers;

    This code will create a table named customers with a column named created_at of type TEXT. It will then insert some sample data into the table and update the year in the created_at column to 2023 for all customers. Finally, it will select the updated data from the table.

    Here is a breakdown of the code:

    CREATE TABLE customers (
      name TEXT NOT NULL,
      email TEXT NOT NULL,
      created_at TEXT NOT NULL

    This code creates a table named customers with four columns:

    • id: An integer that is automatically incremented for each new row.
    • name: A text field that stores the customer's name.

    The PRIMARY KEY constraint ensures that each customer has a unique ID, and the NOT NULL constraint ensures that the name, email, and created_at fields cannot be empty.

    INSERT INTO customers (name, email, created_at)
      ('John Doe', '[email protected]', '2022-01-01'),
      ('Jane Doe', '[email protected]', '2023-02-02'),
      ('Peter Jones', '[email protected]', '2024-03-03');

    This code inserts three rows of data into the customers table. Each row represents a customer with a name, email address, and creation date.

    UPDATE customers
    SET created_at = strftime('%Y-01-01', strftime('%Y', created_at) || '-01-01');

    This code updates the created_at column for all customers. It uses the strftime() function to extract the year from the existing created_at value, and then it uses the strftime() function again to format the year as a date string with the format YYYY-01-01. Finally, it sets the created_at column to the new date string.

    SELECT * FROM customers;

    This code selects all of the columns from the customers table and displays them in the results.

    I hope this helps!

    Method 1: Using the substr() and replace() functions

    The substr() function can be used to extract a substring from a string, and the replace() function can be used to replace a substring in a string. By combining these two functions, you can update the year in a column without having to use the strftime() function.

    -- Update the year in the 'created_at' column to 2023 for all customers
    UPDATE customers
    SET created_at = replace(created_at, substr(created_at, 1, 4), '2023');

    This code will replace the first four characters of the created_at column with the string 2023. This will effectively update the year in the column to 2023 for all customers.

    Method 2: Using a custom SQL function

    You can create a custom SQL function to update the year in a column. This can be a more flexible approach if you need to perform more complex updates.

    CREATE FUNCTION update_year(date_text TEXT)
      RETURN replace(date_text, substr(date_text, 1, 4), '2023');
    -- Update the year in the 'created_at' column to 2023 for all customers
    UPDATE customers
    SET created_at = update_year(created_at);

    This code creates a custom SQL function called update_year(). The function takes a text string as input and returns a new text string with the year updated to 2023. The UPDATE statement then calls the update_year() function to update the created_at column for all customers.

    Method 3: Using a subquery

    -- Update the year in the 'created_at' column to 2023 for all customers
    UPDATE customers c
    SET c.created_at = (
      SELECT replace(c.created_at, substr(c.created_at, 1, 4), '2023')
      FROM customers c
      WHERE =

    This code uses a subquery to select the updated created_at value for each row in the customers table. The subquery then replaces the first four characters of the created_at value with the string 2023. The UPDATE statement then sets the created_at column in the main table to the updated value from the subquery.

    The best method for you will depend on your specific needs. If you need to update a small number of rows, then the substr() and replace() functions may be the simplest option. If you need to perform more complex updates, then a custom SQL function or a subquery may be a better choice. And if you need to update a large number of rows, then a subquery may be the most efficient option.



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