MySQL/MariaDB で発生する「Too many dashes in mariadb outputs」エラーの原因と解決策


MySQL/MariaDB で "Too many dashes in mariadb outputs" エラーが発生する際の解決策

MySQL/MariaDB を使用時に、出力結果に過剰なダッシュ(-)が表示される場合があります。これは、データ型や出力形式の設定が適切でないことが原因で発生する可能性があります。




出力結果に表示されるデータ型を確認します。数値データの場合、DECIMAL 型を使用している可能性があります。DECIMAL 型は、小数点以下の桁数を指定できるため、不要なダッシュが表示されることがあります。

  • 数値データの場合は、INT 型や BIGINT 型など、小数点以下の桁数を指定しないデータ型を使用します。
  • DECIMAL 型を使用する必要がある場合は、FORMAT() 関数を使用して、出力形式を調整します。

SELECT FORMAT(salary, 2) AS formatted_salary FROM employees;


MySQL/MariaDB には、出力形式を設定するいくつかのオプションがあります。これらのオプションを使用して、不要なダッシュを非表示にすることができます。

  • SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'; コマンドを使用して、現在の SQL モードを確認します。
  • sql_mode 変数に -ZEROFILL オプションが含まれていない場合は、SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'sql_mode,-ZEROFILL'; コマンドを使用して追加します。



  • クエリ内の空白や改行を削除します。
  • TRIM() 関数を使用して、文字列の先頭と末尾の空白を削除します。
SELECT TRIM(column_name) AS trimmed_column FROM table_name;


使用している MySQL/MariaDB のバージョンが古い場合、バグが原因で過剰なダッシュが表示される可能性があります。

  • 最新バージョンの MySQL/MariaDB にアップグレードします。



  • データベースの設定ファイルを確認します。
  • 使用しているライブラリやアプリケーションの設定を確認します。
  • MySQL/MariaDB のフォーラムやコミュニティでサポートを依頼します。

これらの解決策を試しても問題が解決しない場合は、データベース管理者や IT 専門家に相談することをお勧めします。




    Using the FORMAT() function to adjust the output format

    This code snippet demonstrates how to use the FORMAT() function to adjust the output format and remove unnecessary dashes when displaying decimal values.

    SELECT FORMAT(salary, 2) AS formatted_salary FROM employees;

    In this query, the FORMAT() function is applied to the salary column, restricting the number of decimal places to two. This effectively eliminates any trailing zeros and reduces the appearance of excessive dashes.

    Removing unnecessary whitespace and line breaks

    This code snippet illustrates how to remove unnecessary whitespace and line breaks from query results to prevent them from appearing as dashes in the output.

    SELECT TRIM(column_name) AS trimmed_column FROM table_name;

    The TRIM() function is used to remove leading and trailing whitespace from the column_name column. This ensures that only the actual data values are displayed, eliminating any formatting issues caused by whitespace.

    Setting the sql_mode variable to exclude -ZEROFILL

    This code snippet shows how to modify the sql_mode variable to exclude the -ZEROFILL option, which can cause unnecessary padding of numeric values with zeros.

    SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'sql_mode,-ZEROFILL';

    This command sets the sql_mode variable at the global level, affecting all subsequent queries. By excluding the -ZEROFILL option, it prevents numeric values from being padded with zeros, reducing the occurrence of excessive dashes.

    Using the SUBSTRING() function to extract specific parts of a string

    In situations where the data contains unnecessary characters or formatting elements, the SUBSTRING() function can be employed to extract the desired portion of the string.

    SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name, 1, LENGTH(column_name) - 2) AS extracted_value FROM table_name;

    This query utilizes the SUBSTRING() function to extract a substring from the column_name column. It starts from the first character (index 1) and extracts up to two characters less than the total length of the column. This effectively removes any trailing characters or formatting issues.

    Converting data types to avoid inappropriate formatting

    If the data type is causing the formatting issues, consider converting the data type to a more appropriate one. For instance, instead of using DECIMAL for integer values, consider using INT or BIGINT.

    ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name INT;

    This command alters the table_name table and modifies the column_name column's data type to INT. This conversion ensures that integer values are stored and displayed without unnecessary decimal formatting or dashes.

    Remember to choose the most suitable solution based on the specific issue and data type involved. Additionally, always back up your database before making any modifications.

    Utilize the RIGHT() function for string manipulation:

    The RIGHT() function can be helpful in extracting a specific portion of a string from the right side. This can be particularly useful when dealing with trailing characters or formatting issues.

    SELECT RIGHT(column_name, LENGTH(column_name) - CHAR_LENGTH(column_name, '-')) AS trimmed_value FROM table_name;

    Employ the REPLACE() function for character substitution:

    The REPLACE() function can be used to replace specific characters or patterns within a string. This can be beneficial in situations where there are consistent formatting issues or unwanted characters.

    SELECT REPLACE(column_name, '-', '') AS replaced_value FROM table_name;

    This query utilizes the REPLACE() function to replace all occurrences of the '-' character with an empty string within the column_name column. This straightforward approach eliminates all dashes from the output, ensuring a clean and consistent display of data.

    Consider using CONCAT() and SUBSTRING() for complex string manipulation:

    In cases where the formatting issues involve a combination of characters or patterns, a combination of the CONCAT() and SUBSTRING() functions can be employed for more intricate string manipulation.

    SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(column_name, 1, LENGTH(column_name) - 3), '.') AS formatted_value FROM table_name;

    This query demonstrates the combined use of CONCAT() and SUBSTRING(). It extracts a substring from the column_name column, starting from the first character (index 1) and extending up to three characters less than the total length. The extracted substring is then concatenated with a '.' character to represent a decimal value. This approach can be customized to handle specific formatting requirements.

    Leverage client-side formatting for presentation:

    If the issue primarily lies in the presentation of data within the client application or tool, consider implementing client-side formatting techniques. This approach allows for manipulating the data display without altering the underlying database values.

    For instance, in a programming language like Python, you can utilize string formatting methods to control the presentation of data retrieved from the database. This approach provides flexibility in customizing the output without affecting the database itself.

    Explore alternative data representation or storage formats:

    In some cases, the issue might stem from the way data is stored or represented within the database. Consider evaluating alternative data representation formats or storage mechanisms that might be more suitable for handling the specific data type or formatting requirements.

    For example, if the data involves currency values, consider using dedicated data types or storage formats designed for financial data. This can help ensure accurate representation and prevent formatting issues.

    Remember to carefully evaluate the specific context and data characteristics before implementing any of these methods. Always test thoroughly and ensure data integrity is maintained throughout the process.

    mysql mariadb


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