【初心者向け】SQLiteデータベースでGROUP BYクエリを実行して集計結果を取得する方法


PHPでSQLiteデータベースのGROUP BYクエリにおける行数を取得する方法

このチュートリアルでは、PHPを使用してSQLiteデータベースに対してGROUP BYクエリを実行し、各グループの行数を取得する方法を説明します。



  • PHPの基本的な構文
  • SQLiteデータベースの操作方法
  • GROUP BYクエリ


  • PHP


  1. データベース接続を確立する


$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db');

次に、GROUP BYクエリを実行する必要があります。以下のコード例では、customersテーブルに対してcountry列でグループ化し、各グループの行数をカウントしています。

$query = $db->prepare('SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM customers GROUP BY country');
  1. 結果をフェッチする


$results = $query->fetchAll();
  1. 各グループの行数を表示する


foreach ($results as $row) {
    echo $row['country'] . ': ' . $row['row_count'] . "\n";


$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db');

$query = $db->prepare('SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM customers GROUP BY country');

$results = $query->fetchAll();

foreach ($results as $row) {
    echo $row['country'] . ': ' . $row['row_count'] . "\n";


  • 上記のコード例はあくまで基本的な例です。必要に応じて、クエリや結果の処理をカスタマイズすることができます。
  • GROUP BYクエリで複数の列をグループ化したい場合は、,を使用して列を区切ることができます。
  • GROUP BYクエリで集計値を取得したい場合は、SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN()などの集計関数を使用することができます。


// Connect to the SQLite database
$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db');

// Prepare and execute the GROUP BY query
$query = $db->prepare('SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM customers GROUP BY country');

// Fetch the results into an array
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// Iterate over the results and display the country and row count for each group
foreach ($results as $row) {
    echo $row['country'] . ': ' . $row['row_count'] . "\n";

This code will output the following:

US: 10
Canada: 5
UK: 3

This code demonstrates how to get the total number of rows for each group in a GROUP BY query. The COUNT(*) aggregate function is used to count the number of rows in each group. The results are then fetched into an array and iterated over, and the country and row count for each group are displayed.

Here is a breakdown of the code:

  1. Connect to the SQLite database:

    The first step is to connect to the SQLite database. This is done using the PDO class. The PDO class is a PHP extension that provides a unified interface for accessing different types of databases. In this case, we are using the sqlite driver to connect to a SQLite database.

    The new PDO('sqlite:database.db') statement creates a new PDO object and connects to the database file database.db. If the database file does not exist, it will be created.

  2. Prepare and execute the GROUP BY query:

    The next step is to prepare and execute the GROUP BY query. This is done using the prepare() and execute() methods of the PDO object.

    The prepare() method takes the SQL query as a parameter and prepares it for execution. The execute() method executes the prepared query.

    The SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM customers GROUP BY country query selects the country column and the number of rows for each country (COUNT(*)) from the customers table. The GROUP BY country clause groups the results by country.

  3. Fetch the results into an array:

    The fetchAll() method fetches all of the rows from the result set and returns them as an array. The PDO::FETCH_ASSOC flag tells fetchAll() to return the results as an associative array, where the keys of the array are the column names.

  4. Iterate over the results and display the country and row count for each group:

    The final step is to iterate over the results and display the country and row count for each group. This is done using a foreach loop.

    The foreach loop iterates over each row in the $results array. For each row, the country and row_count values are extracted and displayed.

I hope this helps!

Method 1: Using the COUNT() function with a subquery

This method involves using the COUNT() function with a subquery to count the number of rows in each group. The subquery selects the country column from the customers table and groups the results by country. The COUNT() function is then used to count the number of rows in each group.


// Connect to the SQLite database
$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db');

// Prepare and execute the query
$query = $db->prepare('
    SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count
    FROM customers
    GROUP BY country

// Fetch the results into an array
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// Iterate over the results and display the country and row count for each group
foreach ($results as $row) {
    echo $row['country'] . ': ' . $row['row_count'] . "\n";

This method is equivalent to the first method, but it can be more efficient for larger datasets. This is because the subquery is only executed once, and the COUNT() function is then used to count the rows in the results of the subquery.

Method 2: Using an aggregate function in the SELECT clause

This method involves using an aggregate function in the SELECT clause to count the number of rows in each group. The COUNT() function can be used directly in the SELECT clause, and the results will be grouped by country.


// Connect to the SQLite database
$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db');

// Prepare and execute the query
$query = $db->prepare('
    SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS row_count
    FROM customers
    GROUP BY country

// Fetch the results into an array
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// Iterate over the results and display the country and row count for each group
foreach ($results as $row) {
    echo $row['country'] . ': ' . $row['row_count'] . "\n";


There are a few different ways to get the total number of rows of a GROUP BY query in a SQLite database using PHP. The best method for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

php database sqlite



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