





SELECT COUNT(IF(条件, 1, 0)) AS 件数
FROM テーブル名;


  • COUNT関数: 対象となる列の値の個数をカウントします。
  • IF文: 指定した条件が真の場合に1を返し、偽の場合に0を返します。



SELECT order_status, COUNT(IF(order_status = '完了', 1, 0)) AS 完了件数
FROM orders;



SELECT t1.属性1, COUNT(IF(t2.条件, 1, 0)) AS 件数
JOIN t2 ON t1.結合条件 = t2.結合条件
WHERE t1.条件;


  • JOIN: 複数のテーブルを結合し、共通のレコードのみを抽出します。
  • t1.属性1: t1テーブルの属性1列の値を取得します。
  • t2.条件: t2テーブルで条件を評価します。



SELECT customers.customer_id,, COUNT(IF(orders.order_status = '完了', 1, 0)) AS 完了件数
FROM customers
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE = '東京';




    Count the number of orders with a specific status for each customer

    SELECT customers.customer_id,,
           COUNT(IF(orders.order_status = 'Shipped', 1, 0)) AS shipped_orders_count
    FROM customers
    JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
    GROUP BY customers.customer_id,;

    This query joins the customers and orders tables on the customer_id column and counts the number of orders with the status 'Shipped' for each customer. The GROUP BY clause is used to group the results by customer ID and name.

    Count the number of employees from each department who have a specific job title

    SELECT departments.department_name,
           COUNT(IF(employees.job_title = 'Software Engineer', 1, 0)) AS software_engineers_count
    FROM departments
    JOIN employees ON departments.department_id = employees.department_id
    GROUP BY departments.department_name;

    Count the number of products in each category that have been sold in the past month

    SELECT categories.category_name,
           COUNT(DISTINCT products.product_id) AS products_sold_count
    FROM categories
    JOIN products ON categories.category_id = products.category_id
    JOIN order_items ON products.product_id = order_items.product_id
    JOIN orders ON order_items.order_id = orders.order_id
    WHERE orders.order_date >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
    GROUP BY categories.category_name;

    This query joins the categories, products, order_items, and orders tables and counts the number of distinct products in each category that have been sold in the past month. The DISTINCT keyword is used to ensure that each product is only counted once. The WHERE clause filters the results to only include orders that were placed in the past month. The GROUP BY clause is used to group the results by category name.

    These are just a few examples of how to use conditional counting with JOIN, IF statement, and COUNT function in MySQL. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and use these techniques to get the information you need from your database!

    Using the CASE expression

    The CASE expression can be used to conditionally count records in a similar way to the IF statement. The following query is equivalent to the first example above:

    SELECT customers.customer_id,,
           SUM(CASE WHEN orders.order_status = 'Shipped' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS shipped_orders_count
    FROM customers
    JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
    GROUP BY customers.customer_id,;

    The CASE expression evaluates the condition orders.order_status = 'Shipped' for each record. If the condition is true, it returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0. The SUM function then sums up the values of the CASE expression for each customer.

    Using subqueries

    Subqueries can also be used to perform conditional counting. The following query is equivalent to the second example above:

    SELECT departments.department_name,
           (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees
            WHERE employees.job_title = 'Software Engineer'
            AND employees.department_id = departments.department_id) AS software_engineers_count
    FROM departments;

    This query uses a subquery to count the number of employees with the job title 'Software Engineer' for each department. The subquery is correlated to the main query by the department_id column.

    Using window functions

    SELECT categories.category_name,
           COUNT(DISTINCT products.product_id) OVER (PARTITION BY categories.category_id) AS products_sold_count
    FROM categories
    JOIN products ON categories.category_id = products.category_id
    JOIN order_items ON products.product_id = order_items.product_id
    JOIN orders ON order_items.order_id = orders.order_id
    WHERE orders.order_date >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
    ORDER BY categories.category_name;

    This query uses the COUNT window function with the DISTINCT keyword and the PARTITION BY clause to count the number of distinct products in each category that have been sold in the past month. The OVER clause specifies that the window should be partitioned by the category_id column. The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the results by category name.

    These are just a few alternative methods for conditional counting in MySQL. The best method for a particular task will depend on the specific requirements of the query.

    Here is a table summarizing the different methods:

    COUNT(IF())Uses an IF statement to conditionally count records.
    CASE expressionUses a CASE expression to conditionally count records.
    SubqueriesUses subqueries to perform conditional counting.
    Window functionsUses window functions to perform conditional counting over a set of records.

    I hope this helps!

    mysql join if-statement


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