SQL Server 2008/2012でReportViewerコントロールが原因で発生する「Index was outside the bounds of the Array」エラーの解決策


SQL Server 2008 および 2012 で発生する "Index was outside the bounds of the Array. (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)" エラー: 詳細解説と解決策

SQL Server 2008 または 2012 で "Index was outside the bounds of the Array. (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)" エラーが発生した場合、レポートの表示やデータベース管理ツールの操作中に問題が発生していることを示しています。このエラーは、SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) または SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) を使用中に発生することが多く、根本的な原因は様々です。





SSMS を最新バージョンに更新する

  • 最新のバージョンの SSMS を使用することで、既知のバグが修正されているため、このエラーが発生する可能性が低くなります。

SQL Server ネイティブクライアントを使用する

  • SSMS の代わりに、SQL Server ネイティブクライアントを使用してデータベースに接続することで、エラーを回避できる場合があります。


  • 一時的な問題である場合、サーバーを再起動することで解決する場合があります。


  • マイクロソフトは、このエラーに対処するために、SQL Server 2008 および 2012 の累積更新プログラムをリリースしています。該当する累積更新プログラムを適用することで、エラーを解決できる場合があります。

    上記の手順で解決できない場合は、SQL Server のフォーラムやコミュニティで問題を報告したり、マイクロソフトのサポートに問い合わせてください。


    • このエラーは、.NET Framework を使用する開発者向けの SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) ライブラリを使用する場合にも発生する可能性があります。
    • このエラーは、SQL Server 2008 R

    Once I have more information, I can provide you with a code sample that demonstrates how to handle the "Index was outside the bounds of the Array" error in SQL Server 2008 and 2012. I can also provide explanations and examples of how to use the code effectively.

    In the meantime, here are some resources that you may find helpful:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Update SQL Server Native Client:

    Ensure you have the latest version of the SQL Server Native Client installed on the machine where you are experiencing the error. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause compatibility issues and lead to errors like this.

    Check for Corrupted Database Files:

    If the error is specifically related to a particular database, there might be a chance of corruption in the database files. Use the DBCC CHECKDB command to check for any logical or physical inconsistencies in the database. If any errors are found, you can attempt to repair them using the DBCC CHECKDB REPAIR command.

    Restart SQL Server Services:

    Sometimes, temporary glitches or service issues can cause unexpected errors. Try restarting the SQL Server services, including the SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser services. This can often resolve temporary issues.

    Check Server Resource Usage:

    Ensure that the SQL Server server has sufficient resources, such as CPU, memory, and disk space, to handle the workload. If the server is overloaded, it can lead to various performance issues, including the "Index was outside the bounds of the Array" error.

    Analyze the database queries and procedures that are being executed when the error occurs. Inefficient or poorly optimized queries can put excessive strain on the server and lead to errors. Look for any queries that are running for an unusually long time or consuming excessive resources.

    Disable Antivirus or Security Software Temporarily:

    In some cases, overly aggressive antivirus or security software can interfere with SQL Server operations and cause errors. Try temporarily disabling any antivirus or security software on the server to see if it resolves the issue.

    Check for Recent Changes:

    Review any recent changes made to the SQL Server configuration, database settings, or software installations. Sometimes, new configurations or software updates can introduce compatibility issues or conflicts that lead to errors.

    Seek Community Support:

    If none of the above methods resolve the issue, consider seeking help from online communities or forums dedicated to SQL Server. Experienced users and administrators may be able to provide additional insights or specific troubleshooting steps based on your specific environment and configuration.

    Remember to document any steps you take and their outcomes to help you narrow down the cause of the error and track your progress towards a solution.

    If the issue persists, it may be necessary to escalate the problem to Microsoft support for further assistance. They can provide in-depth troubleshooting and support for complex SQL Server issues.

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