


MariaDBなどのSQLデータベースでは、INSERT INTO ... SELECT ...構文を使って、別のテーブルからデータを1つのテーブルに挿入することができます。これは、データを複製したり、集計結果を新しいテーブルに保存したりする場合に役立ちます。


INSERT INTO target_table (column1, column2, ...)
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM source_table
[WHERE condition];


  • target_table: データを挿入するテーブルの名前
  • column1, column2, ...: 挿入する列の名前。カッコ内に指定しない場合は、すべての列にデータが挿入されます。
  • [WHERE condition]: 挿入するデータを選択するための条件式。オプションです。


INSERT INTO subscribers (name, email)
SELECT name, email
FROM customers;


  • 挿入する列と、SELECT句で選択する列の順序が一致している必要があります。
  • 主キーの制約がある列にデータを挿入する場合は、重複データがないように注意する必要があります。
  • INSERT INTO ... SELECT ...構文は、INSERT INTO ... VALUES ...構文よりも効率的にデータ挿入できます。


    Example 1: Inserting all columns from one table to another

    INSERT INTO target_table
    SELECT *
    FROM source_table;
    INSERT INTO target_table (column1, column2)
    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM source_table;

    Example 3: Inserting data from one table to another with a WHERE condition

    INSERT INTO target_table (name, email)
    SELECT name, email
    FROM customers
    WHERE city = 'San Francisco';

    Example 4: Inserting data from multiple tables to a single table

    INSERT INTO target_table (customer_id, product_id, quantity)
    SELECT c.customer_id, p.product_id, o.quantity
    FROM customers c
    JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    JOIN products p ON o.product_id = p.product_id;

    Explanation of the examples:

    Additional notes:

    I hope these examples help you understand how to insert data into a table from another table in MariaDB. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Using a temporary table

    1. Create a temporary table with the same structure as the target table.
    2. Insert the data from the source table into the temporary table.

    Using a stored procedure

    1. Create a stored procedure that takes the name of the source table and the target table as parameters.
    2. Inside the stored procedure, use a SELECT statement to query the data from the source table.
    3. Use an INSERT statement to insert the data from the SELECT statement into the target table.

    Using a view

    1. Create a view that represents the data you want to insert into the target table.
    -- Create a temporary table
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_table LIKE target_table;
    -- Insert data from the source table into the temporary table
    INSERT INTO tmp_table
    SELECT *
    FROM source_table;
    -- Insert data from the temporary table into the target table
    INSERT INTO target_table
    SELECT *
    FROM tmp_table;
    -- Drop the temporary table
    CREATE PROCEDURE insert_data(source_table VARCHAR(255), target_table VARCHAR(255))
        -- Loop through the rows in the source table
        WHILE NOT done DO
            SELECT *
            FROM source_table
            INTO @row
            LIMIT 1;
            -- Check if there are any more rows to process
            IF @row IS NULL THEN
                SET done = TRUE;
                -- Insert the row into the target table
                INSERT INTO target_table
                VALUES (@row['column1'], @row['column2'], ...);
            END IF;
        END WHILE;
    -- Call the stored procedure to insert data from the 'source_table' into the 'target_table'
    CALL insert_data('source_table', 'target_table');

    Example: Using a view

    CREATE VIEW v_data AS
    SELECT *
    FROM source_table;
    -- Insert data from the view into the target table
    INSERT INTO target_table
    SELECT *
    FROM v_data;

    Which method should I use?

    The best method for you will depend on your specific needs. If you only need to insert data once, then using a temporary table or a stored procedure may be a good option. If you need to insert data on a regular basis, then using a view may be a better option.

    Additional considerations

    • The amount of data you need to insert
    • The frequency with which you need to insert data
    • The performance of your database

    I hope this helps!

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