【超解説】PostgreSQLエラー「Failed to find conversion function from unknown to text」の解決方法を図解付きでわかりやすく解説!


PostgreSQL でクエリを実行中に、「Failed to find conversion function from unknown to text」エラーが発生することがあります。このエラーは、クエリ内のデータ型と、データ型を文字列に変換しようとしている操作が互換性がない場合に発生します。



  • データ型の不一致: クエリ内のデータ型が不明な場合、PostgreSQL はそのデータを文字列に変換するための適切な変換関数を特定できません。
  • 暗黙の型変換の失敗: PostgreSQL は、クエリ内のデータ型を自動的に互換性の高い型に変換しようとします。しかし、この暗黙の型変換が失敗すると、このエラーが発生します。
  • UNION 句の使用: UNION 句を使用して異なるデータ型の列を結合する場合、PostgreSQL はすべての列を共通のデータ型に変換する必要があります。しかし、変換できない場合、このエラーが発生します。



  • データ型の明示的な指定: クエリ内のデータ型を明示的に指定することで、PostgreSQL が適切な変換関数を特定できるようにします。
  • キャスト関数の使用: データ型を明示的に指定できない場合は、キャスト関数を使用してデータを文字列に変換できます。
  • UNION 句のデータ型の調整: UNION 句を使用する場合は、すべての列を共通のデータ型に変換できるようにする必要があります。


    このエラーは、PostgreSQL バージョン 9.1 以降で発生する可能性があります。


    SELECT * FROM mytable;

    このクエリは、mytable テーブル内のすべての列を選択しようとします。しかし、mytable テーブル内の列のデータ型が不明な場合、PostgreSQL はすべての列を文字列に変換するための適切な変換関数を特定できません。


    • データ型の明示的な指定:
    SELECT column1::text, column2::integer, column3::date FROM mytable;
    • キャスト関数の使用:
    SELECT CAST(column1 AS text), CAST(column2 AS integer), CAST(column3 AS date) FROM mytable;

    「Failed to find conversion function from unknown to text」エラーは、PostgreSQL でデータ型を文字列に変換しようとしている操作が互換性がない場合に発生します。このエラーを解決するには、データ型の明示的な指定、キャスト関数の使用、UNION 句のデータ型の調整など、いくつかの方法があります。

    Original query:

    SELECT * FROM mytable;


    This query will fail with the "Failed to find conversion function from unknown to text" error because the data types of the columns in the mytable table are unknown.

    Solution 1: Explicitly specify the data types

    SELECT column1::text, column2::integer, column3::date FROM mytable;


    This query explicitly specifies the data types of the columns in the mytable table. This tells PostgreSQL how to convert each column to a text value.

    Solution 2: Use cast functions

    SELECT CAST(column1 AS text), CAST(column2 AS integer), CAST(column3 AS date) FROM mytable;

    This query uses cast functions to convert each column in the mytable table to a text value. The CAST function takes two arguments: the value to convert and the desired data type.

    Solution 3: Use UNION ALL

    If you are using the UNION operator, you need to use UNION ALL instead. This is because UNION removes duplicate rows, and it may not be able to determine the data type of the rows if they are different.

    SELECT column1::text, column2::integer, column3::date FROM mytable
    SELECT 'foo', 123, '2024-06-08'::date;

    This query uses UNION ALL to combine the results of two SELECT statements. The first SELECT statement selects the data from the mytable table, and the second SELECT statement selects a literal row of data. The UNION ALL operator ensures that all rows are included in the result set, even if they are duplicates.

    I hope this helps!

    Define a custom cast function

    If you are working with a custom data type that is not recognized by PostgreSQL, you can define a custom cast function to convert the data type to text. This can be useful if you need to work with data from a third-party source or if you have created your own data type.

    Here is an example of how to define a custom cast function for a data type called my_data_type:

    CREATE FUNCTION cast_my_data_type_to_text(my_data_type_value my_data_type)
    RETURNS text AS $$
      RETURN my_data_type_value::text;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    Once you have defined the cast function, you can use it to convert values of the my_data_type data type to text:

    SELECT CAST(my_data_type_value AS text) FROM mytable;

    The coalesce() function can be used to return the first non-NULL value from a list of arguments. This can be useful if you want to avoid the error by ensuring that there is always a value to convert to text.

    Here is an example of how to use the coalesce() function to fix the error:

    SELECT coalesce(column1::text, '') FROM mytable;

    This query will select the value of the column1 column if it is not NULL. If column1 is NULL, it will select an empty string. This ensures that there is always a value to convert to text, which will prevent the error from occurring.

    The CASE expression can be used to evaluate a condition and return a different value based on the result of the condition. This can be useful if you want to handle different types of data in a single query.

      WHEN column1 IS NULL THEN ''
      ELSE column1::text
    END AS column1_text
    FROM mytable;

    This query will select an empty string if the column1 column is NULL. Otherwise, it will select the value of the column1 column and convert it to text.

    If the data in the table is incorrect, you may need to update the data to a valid data type. This can be done using the UPDATE statement.

    Here is an example of how to update the column1 column in the mytable table to the text data type:

    UPDATE mytable
    SET column1 = column1::text;

    This query will convert the value of the column1 column to the text data type for all rows in the table.

    Use a different query

    If the error is only occurring in a specific query, you may be able to work around the error by using a different query. For example, you could use a subquery to select the data from the table and then convert the data to text in the outer query.

    SELECT column1::text
    FROM (SELECT * FROM mytable) AS subquery;

    This query will select the value of the column1 column from a subquery that selects all of the data from the mytable table. The data is then converted to text in the outer query.

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